How to Fix Salty Ribs – 10 Simple Ways

How to Fix Salty Ribs – 10 Simple Ways

Cooking the perfect rack of ribs is an art, but sometimes even seasoned grill masters can end up with too salty ribs. Don’t worry; all is not lost! You can rescue your salty ribs and turn them into a mouthwatering masterpiece with a few simple techniques and patience.

Here are various methods to fix overly salty ribs and restore their delectable flavor.

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10 Simple Ways to Salvage your Overly Salty Ribs

1. Soaking in Cold Water

One of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce saltiness is soaking the ribs in cold water. Fill a large container with enough cold water to fully submerge the ribs and let them soak for 1 to 2 hours.

The salt will dissolve into the water, reducing the meat’s overall salt content. You can add a few tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice to the water for better results, as these acidic ingredients can help draw out excess salt.

2. The Milk Bath

If you do not like the water-soaking method, consider a milk bath instead. Milk contains casein, a protein that binds to salt molecules, making it an excellent option for reducing saltiness in ribs. Submerge the ribs in a bowl of milk and let them soak for about an hour.

Rinse the ribs thoroughly with water after the milk bath to remove any remaining salt and milk residue.

3. Boiling the Ribs

Boiling the ribs might seem counterintuitive, but it can be an effective technique to extract excess salt. Place the ribs in a large pot and cover them with water. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. This process will draw out some salt from the meat, resulting in less salty ribs.

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After boiling, pat the ribs dry and proceed with your preferred cooking method.

4. Add Sweetness and Acidity

Consider adding sweetness and acidity to your ribs to balance the flavors after reducing the saltiness. Prepare a glaze or barbecue sauce with brown sugar, honey, or maple syrup for sweetness, and mix in a splash of apple cider vinegar or citrus juice for acidity.

Brush the ribs with the glaze during the final stages of cooking or serve it as a dipping sauce. The sweet and tangy flavors will complement the meat and counteract the saltiness.

5. Distract with Spices and Herbs

Enhance the overall flavor profile of your ribs by incorporating additional spices and herbs. Create a dry rub with a blend of garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, cumin, or other favorite herbs. Apply the dry rub generously to the ribs before cooking, allowing the new flavors to meld with the meat and distract from the excess salt.

6. Acidic Marinades

Marinating the ribs in an acidic mixture can help neutralize excess salt and infuse them with delightful flavors. Prepare a marinade using vinegar, citrus juice (lemon, lime, or orange), or buttermilk. You can use a meat injector to ensure that you get the optimum results.

Allow the ribs to soak in the marinade for several hours, or even overnight for a more intense flavor. The acid in the marinade will break down the salt, tenderize the meat, and impart a tangy zest to your ribs.

7. Potato Power

Potatoes are an unexpected but effective solution for combating saltiness in cooked dishes. Peel and cut a large potato into chunks, then add them to your simmering pot of ribs. Potatoes are natural absorbers and will draw out the excess salt during cooking.

Once the ribs are done, remove the potato pieces before serving. This method reduces saltiness and adds a subtle richness to the meat.

8. Tomato-Based Sauces

Tomato-based sauces, such as tomato paste or crushed tomatoes, can work wonders to mask excessive saltiness. Mix a tomato-based sauce with water or broth to create a flavorful liquid bath for your ribs. Simmer the ribs in this sauce until they become tender and juicy.

The acidity of the tomatoes will help counterbalance the saltiness while adding a luscious tomato taste to the meat.

9. Coconut Milk Cure

Consider using coconut milk if you want an exotic twist to salvage your ribs. This creamy, non-dairy alternative can soften the salty blow and add an enchanting tropical flair to your dish. Simply pour coconut milk over the ribs and let them marinate for a few hours.

The coconut milk will work its magic, infusing the meat with its delicate sweetness and reducing the overall saltiness.

10. Dilution with Unsalted Broth

Another straightforward yet effective method is to dilute the salty flavor by simmering the ribs in unsalted broth or stock. This gentle simmering will allow the broth to meld with the meat while diminishing the salt’s intensity.

As the broth reduces during cooking, it will also impart a savory depth to the ribs, making them even more delectable.

Tips to Avoid Over seasoning your Ribs in the Future

Avoiding overseasoning your ribs is crucial to ensure a well-balanced and enjoyable flavor. Here are some tips to help you achieve perfectly seasoned ribs:

Start with less seasoning

Begin with a conservative amount of seasoning, whether it’s a dry rub or a marinade. You can always add more later if needed, but it’s challenging to remove excess seasoning once it’s applied.

Use a recipe as a guide

Follow a tried-and-tested recipe for your dry rub or marinade. Recipes are designed to provide balanced flavors, so they can be a reliable guide to prevent overseasoning.

Taste as you go

Regularly taste the seasoning as you apply it to the ribs. This will allow you to gauge how the flavors develop and avoid going overboard with salt or spices.

Apply seasoning evenly

Distribute the seasoning evenly across the ribs. Uneven distribution can lead to some areas being overly seasoned while others remain bland.

Avoid seasoning too far in advance

If you’re using a dry rub, avoid applying it too far before cooking. Salt can draw moisture from the meat, potentially making it dry and too salty.

Consider a pre-seasoning rest

Allow the seasoned ribs to rest in the refrigerator for a short period, usually about 30 minutes to an hour, to allow the flavors to penetrate the meat without becoming overpowering.

Read: How To Tell When Ribs Are Done? [COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE]


Turning salty ribs into a culinary triumph need not be an impossible task. Armed with these additional reliable methods, you can confidently rescue your ribs from the clutches of excess salt and create a meal that delights the taste buds.

Experiment with different methods and combinations to discover the perfect solution that suits your preferences. Remember, the journey to becoming a grill master is paved with experimentation and innovation. Happy grilling!

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