What Is Beef Bottom Round Steak? [All you Need to Know?

Steak lovers do not stop exploring the available types of steaks. If you are one of them, you must have had the beef bottom round steak. However, if you are starting your beef steak exploration now, you might have yet to come across it. So, what is beef bottom round steak?

The bottom round steak is a beef cut removed from a large beef piece. In most cases, the region is called the roasting joint. They come as round cuts that differ from the other beef tender cuts from the hindquarters. The bottom round steak tastes almost the same as the top round steak.

However, it is made up of tough grains that make it tougher than the top round steak, thus requiring more time for preparation. Read through the article to learn more about the beef bottom round steak.

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How to cook beef bottom round steak

There are three main ways of cooking beef bottom round steak. You can use a skillet, a grill, or an oven. Here is how to do it.

Cooking beef bottom round steak on a skillet

  • Preheat the oven until it reaches 400 degrees F
  • Use pepper and salt to season the bottom round of the steak. However, if you love extra flavors on your meat, you can mix your favorite ingredients and then season the steak.
  • Take a meat mallet or the back of your knife to tenderize the meat.
  • Put your seasoned bottom round steak in a skillet safe for the oven over medium heat and leave it to cook for about two minutes on both sides until it turns brown.
  • Pour two cups of water into the skillet, use aluminum foil to cover, and put it in the oven. This is to let the oven slowly cook the meat and tenderize it.
  • Let it cook for about ten to twelve minutes or until the meat is thoroughly cooked and tender.

Cooking beef bottom round steak on a grill

  • Use your favorite sauce or marinade to marinate and season the steak, then put it in the fridge for not less than six hours.
  • Remove the steak from the fridge and out of the sauce bowl you had put the steak in. Leave the steak to rest for around 30 minutes at room temperature.
  • Pat the steak to dry while you remove the excess sauce or marinade you used before. Remember to use some acidic ingredients in your sauce to make the meat tender and easy to cook.
  • Preheat the grill to medium heat. Place the steak on the grill and cook for two minutes until both sides turn brown. Be careful that it should not burn but have an amazing brown color on the surfaces.
  • Put your browned steak on high heat and leave it to cook for about one minute to 90 seconds. This is called searing. Hold the meat with tongs to allow it to sear on the other side. Do the same several times until there is a crusty brown layer on both sides of your steak.
  • After searing and browning, reduce the grill heat to low and let the steak cook for about seven minutes on each side or until your steak attains the level of doneness you desire. However, be careful not to overcook the steak as it might make it dry and tough.
  • A meat thermometer is essential when confirming the temperature before removing it from heat. Therefore, use a meat thermometer to measure the meat’s internal temperature of your desired level of doneness.
  • Remove the steak from the heat and rest for about five minutes before slicing. This allows the meat juice to distribute through the meat pieces making it juicier and more flavorful.
  • Slice against the grain and serve

Cooking in an oven

  • Preheat the oven until it attains 300 degrees F
  • Tenderize your steak using a tenderizer or a meat mallet. Put the steak in a big baking dish.
  • Use your favorite marinade on the steak by pouring it over and leaving it to rest for about 30 minutes before you start cooking. This is to tenderize the meat and absorb more great flavors.
  • Cover the baking dish using aluminum foil, put it in the oven, and cook for ten to twelve minutes.
  • Remove it from the oven, rest for about five minutes, then slice it into thin pieces against the grain and serve.

Best way to cook beef bottom round steak

The best and easiest way to cook the bottom round steak to get tender, juicier, and flavorful meat is cooking it in an oven or on low heat in a crockpot. Using a crockpot allows you to slow-cook your meat leaving it more delicious than any other cooking method.

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Beef bottom round steak recipes

The following are the most amazing recipes for the beef bottom round steak you can try out:

  1. Instant pot Chinese pepper steak. It is easy and takes less time to make, and it comprises round bottom strips, seasonings, and bell peppers.
  2. Quick skillet steak with mushrooms and onions. Easy and quick to make with only bottom round steak, onions, and mushrooms.
  3. Old-fashioned Swiss steak. It includes delicious vegetables, and the steak requires only a few ingredients and less time to cook.
  4. Round steak, beef, and noodles
  5. Slower cooker round steak with mushrooms, It is easy and quick. You only need to add the ingredients to a slow cooker.

Quick braised bottom round steak recipe

Preparation time – 15 minutes

Cook time – 2 hours

Total time – 2 hours 15 minutes


  • Four pieces of bottom round steak
  • Two onions sliced into thin pieces
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • A half cup of all-purpose flour
  • Minced cloves garlic
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil

Sauce ingredients

  • Two cups of beef broth
  • One teaspoon of paprika
  • A quarter teaspoon of powdered ginger
  • One teaspoon of powdered onion
  • Two teaspoons of honey
  • A quarter cup of balsamic vinegar

Instructions to cook

  1. Put a skillet over medium heat. Add a teaspoon of minced garlic and oil, and cook for about a minute.
  2. Add your thinly sliced onions, and sauté until they turn brown and soften. Transfer this to a plate
  3. Use pepper and salt to season the steaks. Lightly dust with the all-purpose flour
  4. Turn your skillet to medium-high and add another tablespoon of oil. When the oil is hot, add the seasoned steaks and sear each side for one to two minutes until brown.
  5. Pour your browned onion, beef broth, and balsamic vinegar together.
  6. Add powdered ginger, powdered onion, honey, and paprika.
  7. Cook for about three minutes or until it boils. Reduce heat, then cover with a lid.
  8. Simmer for two hours or until when the steaks are fork tender
  9. Serve instantly.

How to cook beef bottom round steak in the oven

The following are the steps to successful cooking of beef bottom round steak in the oven:

  • Preheat the oven
  • Slice the steak into sizeable pieces
  • Place the steaks on a large baking dish
  • Pour liquid marinade or sauce and then cover using aluminum foil.
  • Place the marinated steaks in an oven and let them cook until they are tender
  • Remove from the oven and serve

Beef bottom round steak stir fry

Here is the beef bottom round steak and garden vegetable stir fry recipe. It is simple, easy, and delicious.


  • One pound beef bottom round steak
  • A quarter cup of palm sauce and soy sauce
  • 1.5 teaspoons cornstarch
  • One teaspoon of chopped garlic and ginger
  • Two tablespoons of peanut oil
  • One yellow bell pepper
  • One teaspoon of sesame oil
  • Two tablespoons of rice vinegar
  • Two peeled and cut carrots
  • Four chopped green onions
  • Four ounces of fresh green beans


  1. Cut your steak into thin slices. Mix the sauce and whisk soy sauce, palm sauce, rice vinegar, sesame oil, ginger, and garlic in a mixing bowl. Whisk a quarter cup of the mixture with cornstarch, and put this aside. Pour the rest of the sauce into the meat, seal it in a plastic bag, and leave it to marinate for about thirty minutes.
  2. Remove the steak from the sauce and pat them to dry.
  3. Heat your skillet to high heat. Add your canola oil, stir fry your strips over high heat for three minutes, then put them aside. Add bell pepper, green beans, green onions, and carrots. Stir fry for another three minutes. Stir in the sauce mixture you set aside earlier and continue tossing for an extra three minutes. Now your vegetables are tender and crispy and then put the steak back into the pan
  4. Serve with your favorite dish.

Parting shot

The bottom round steak is an inexpensive steak with more flavor to enjoy. Moreover, it requires less preparation time, so it can always be your go-to option. Cooking in the oven is the best way to enjoy the juiciness and flavor of the meat.