How to Clean a Grill Effectively (All You Need to Know)

Cleaning your grill is essential to your health and that of your loved ones. It ensures that your grill is germ-free, and thus the food you make is safe.

Therefore, you always need to have a clean grill. So how do you effectively clean a grill?

There are three main steps to clean your grill effectively. First, remove your grates and clean them. Second, clean the interior of your grill, and then lastly, clean the grill’s exterior. 

This article helps you understand every detail you need to clean your grill effectively. Here is how to do it.

Steps to effective grill cleaning

Clean the grill grates

The grill grates are the main part of a grill. Remember, they normally come into direct contact with food. Therefore, they should be cleaned regularly. Let the grates cool first, remove them from your grill, and wipe or brush off loose dirt and food particles. You can use a nylon scrub or a grill brush for this purpose.

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Mix your grill grate cleaning detergents in a large bucket with hot water and place the grates in the bucket to soak. If they are too big and do not fit in perfectly, you can immerse one half first, wait for it to soak, and then turn the other half and soak it in.

Leave the grill grates to soak for about 30 minutes. Wear your safety rubber gloves and scrub the grates using a grate brush. Based on the type of grates you are cleaning, you should be careful to ensure that you do not damage them.

If the grates are still dirty or the dirt is stubborn, you can soak them for another 20 minutes so that the grease comes off and the dirt softens. Then rinse the grates and leave them to dry.

Clean the interior of your grill.

Now that your grates are out, you should clean the grill’s interior. Start by brushing off the interior of the grill and the lid part. This is to ensure that you remove any loose dirt that might have collected in the inside part of the grill, especially the bottom and the sides.

You can use a knife or scraper to pry off carbon and grease peelings. For charcoal grills, empty the ash holder. Use warm soapy water to clean the grease cup and drip pan. To make cleaning easier, you can line these parts with aluminum foil.

You do not need to put much effort into cleaning the grill’s interior because it will always get dirt whenever you cook. Plus, it barely comes into contact with your food, so you would only want to get rid of large accumulations that might slow down your cooking process.

Disseminating the burner and cleaning it is not advisable because the grease falling on it normally burns off, so this should not stress you. However, if they are clogged, you should consider dissembling them. Considering that different gas grills have different burner designs, you should follow your manufacturers’ instructions in this process.

Clean your grill’s exterior.

Mix your favorite cleaning detergent in warm water and clean the doors, side trays, handle, and any other exterior part of your grill using a sponge or a piece of cloth. When cleaning the exterior of a grill, you are advised to use safe grease cleaners.

Depending on what the exterior of your grill is made of, you will use different cleaning detergents. For instance, if you own a stainless steel grill, you can use a stainless steel cleaner. This is to ensure that you do not cause any damage to your grill.

After you are done cleaning with your favorite cleaner, rinse your grill and let it dry. Put back the grates and burners you had disassembled earlier. If it is a gas grill, light it to ensure the burners are unclogged and everything is in place.

Is a grill brush necessary?

Yes, a grill brush is necessary. However, there are other things that can be used in place of a grill brush. For instance, a ball of aluminum foil works perfectly in place of a grill brush. You just crumble it to be large enough that you can hold it with tongs and brush off loose dirt from your grill.

Read >>What Are The Best Grill Brushes To Get? [Top Brands Reviewed]

Are BBQ brushes safe?

BBQ brushes are safe. However, a recent study shows that a few people have suffered injuries from BBQ brushes, especially on the mouth and throat. In very rare cases, people sustain stomach and intestinal injuries caused by these brushes after reportedly swallowing small bristles that hide in food.

However, this should not prevent you from cleaning your grill to perfection. These can be avoided by thoroughly rinsing the grill after cleaning. You can also double-check the stiffness of your brush bristles before using them on the grill.

How do I make my grill shiny again?

Vinegar is a top agent most people use to get rid of dried and stubborn food remains and other stains from your grill. You should not use steel wool or a wire brush to clean stainless steel grills because this will even damage your grill more.

Should you Clean the BBQ grill after every use?

You do not need to clean your grill after every use. However, you will need to clean your grill grates after every use. This reduces the amount of dust building up on the surface and ensures that you get delicious food when you grill next.

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Therefore, always scrape off the food remains from your grill grates every time you grill, and also deep cleanse your grill at least once a year. This will improve its performance and also increase its durability.

How do you clean a grill without a brush or foil?

Cleaning a grill without using a brush or foil is possible and easy. You can use onion for this purpose. Cut an onion into half and only use half. Spear it into a barbeque fork, the cut side facing outwards. Scrub your grill using the cut side while the grill is still hot. The acidic enzymes in the onions will break down the grease. Rinse off your grill and leave it to dry.


The method you can use to clean your grill and grates mostly depend on the grill type you are using. However, the three steps explained above apply to gas and charcoal grills which are the most used today. It is important to consult your manufacturer before dissembling gas and electric grills. Always clean your grates after every use, and deep cleanse your entire grill at least once a year.

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