
Can You Grill Frozen Burgers? How to Do It Perfectly

Frozen burgers make a very economical way of making your family a quick lunch or any meal of the day. However, some people find it hard to grill frozen burgers and believe it is impossible to grill them. So, can you grill frozen burgers?

Yes, you can grill frozen burgers. It is one easier task than you think. You only need to prepare your grill, throw your burgers in and flip them after every five minutes for fifteen minutes, and they will be good for consumption. 

This guide enables you to learn and understand every detail concerning grilling frozen burgers. Read with me to become more proficient with the process.                                                                                          

Can you Grill Frozen Burgers?     

The ultimate answer to this is, yes, you can grill frozen burgers. Once you have answered this, the next question is; how? Here is how you can do it.

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Burger Preparation

When grilling frozen burgers, there are essential things you need to consider. You have two options, thaw your burgers before grilling or grill them frozen. The most crucial part is ensuring they reach the required internal temperature for a certain level of doneness.

Before cooking, ensure you remove the meat separators first. The next step is to season them with your favorite herbs and spices or salt and pepper. Seasoning is optional.

Some people choose not to season with anything but work with the natural seasoning of the burger. When grilling frozen burgers, there are chances of flare-ups, something you would not want to happen. To avoid this, use indirect Heat.

What causes flare-ups? The fat present in food normally causes flare-ups. It is hard to avoid experiencing them not unless you cook food that does not have fat or with small portions of fats. 

However, avoiding them is possible. One way of handling flare-ups is to have a spray bottle of clean water readily available. This can help you handle flare-ups whenever they happen.

Tips on Cooking Frozen Burgers on a Grill

As much as they seem to be the easiest thing to cook on a grill, they are, at the same time, the toughest stuff to cook. One small mistake can ruin all your efforts. 

Therefore it is important to learn the various tips that can make the process successful.

Be Careful with Seasonings

Seasoning can make your burger great or even ruin it if you need to learn how to cook with it. Thus, if you normally get the seasoned burger, ensure you get the ones you are aware of and sure of what to expect. 

Avoid table salt and use kosher salt when seasoning with salt because it evenly spreads its flavor across the meat. Remember that extra seasoning won’t stick more on the frozen burger. Hence, season your burger five minutes after grilling, then flip. 

Go for Indirect Heat

You do not want your burgers to sear. However, this only happens when you grill your burgers on direct Heat and open flames to cook your burgers faster. Cooking the meat at high temperatures might easily ruin your meat. In other words, you should cook at indirect Heat. 

Turn the heat low so it can cook at the stipulated time with searing. The outside brownness might fool you into thinking that your burgers are cooked when they are not. Therefore use the meat thermometer rule for measuring internal temperature before you remove them from Heat.

Ensure that Your Burgers are Thick

Burgers should never be thin, especially when frozen because they will give you a hard time flipping. Hence, when buying them, avoid fillers and go for the basic ones because you are sure that is what you will still have, even after freezing. 

Now that they are thick, ensure that you have the required heat temperature so they can cook well.

Prepare the Grill

Preheat your grill until it reaches about 350 to 375 degrees F. This temperature is recommendable because it is low enough to defrost your burger and high enough to cook it without searing or burning. 

Also, medium-high ensures that your meat cooks perfectly without drying up. Clean grill grates with a metal brush to ensure the meat does not stick to the grates when cooking.

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Put the Burgers on the Grill Grates.

When your grill is ready, put the burgers on the hot grill grates and space them 2 inches apart. Do not overcrowd your grill with a million burgers. This is actually where most people need to improve. 

The frozen burgers require space between each other to allow sufficient airflow and prevent steaming.

Once you put your burgers on the hot grill, close the lid and leave it intact. It may be tempting to peak your burgers but don’t. Ensure that no heat escapes from the grilling burgers so they can be ready within the stipulated time.

Grill while Flipping

Let your burgers cook for five minutes on each side and flip using a spatula. Repeat this process on every burger until you ensure they are all cooked to brownness on every side. Insert a meat thermometer into the burgers and confirm whether the temperature is to your level of doneness before removing them from the Heat.

Can you Put Frozen Burgers on the grill?               

The answer is yes. You can always put your frozen burgers on the grill without worrying about food poisoning and other related issues. 

However, when cooking frozen burgers on the grill, you should ensure they attain an internal temperature of 160 degrees F and above. Again, remember that frozen burgers take longer to cook than unfrozen ones.                                                                           

Can you cook Frozen Burgers on the grill?            

Yes, you can cook frozen burgers on the grill. You can leave them to thaw or cook them straight from the oven. Either way, you choose to prepare the burgers will cook perfectly and be safe for consumption. 

Nonetheless, cooking frozen burgers takes twice as much time as grilling fresh burgers. So be sure to spend a little more time on the grill than normal.                                              

Can you Grill Frozen Chicken Burgers?

Yes, you can safely grill frozen chicken burgers. Just like beef burgers, you don’t need to thaw them first before cooking. For chicken, ensure they reach an internal temperature of 165 degrees F before removing them from the grill.

How Long to Cook Frozen Burgers on a grill?

Once your grill is ready, you only need to grill for fifteen minutes. After the first five minutes, flip the burgers and season them when necessary, then flip the other side to cook for five minutes. 

Let the cooked burgers rest for another five minutes to bring the Heat down and absorb the present juices.

Wrapping it Up

When grilling or cooking frozen burgers, ensure they reach a safe internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Nonetheless, cooking frozen burgers on a grill is safe and easy. You simply need to preheat your grill, place the frozen burgers on the grill, flip, and you are done.               

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